Mynd how you go

Today was the last day that I could enjoy a day of furlough during term time (still feels a bit naughty somehow) and so I convinced dad to come up the Long Mynd with me. You know all that lovely sunshine we've been having?!

We drove up the Burway and the top of the Mynd was wintery. You could see the wind blowing the mist across the top at a fair old pace. Thankfully, we'd both decided last minute to throw some gloves in and my goodness, did we need them! We walked across the top and then down into the valley to get away from the wind for our lunch and then back over the top. Seven miles of cold but blissful walking. Thanks to Janashields inspiration the other day, I thought it might be worth taking my camera out today as there are always some wild ponies asking to have their photos taken. 

We drove back over the Stiperstones and our conversation decreased as our tiredness slowly increased. Weather beaten faces and happy hearts!

I flipping love Shropshire.

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