Mucky Jedi

Today has had a few stressful times but it won't be long until bed time . I feel a little deflated but tomorrow is a new day .

The Jedi has had a high temp the last few hours so he got a wee ice lolly to cool him down. That and Calpol. He's also had two sleep's today which isn't like him. And he's not long out the bath. Hopefully he still sleeps tonight. He has another 4 teeth coming through so I'm assuming it's that .

I'm just finishing bathing Harp.

I have been quite snippy today with a certain someone. ( I'm sure my blip stalker will read this ) . But I'm tired . My body never functions well when the clocks go forward.
He is having to do some work at home today too.
But hopefully he won't be working too late.

Oh and our dinner yesterday tasted awesome. Definitely order from there again .

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