Snack time

Today has been quite a mixed bag . The Wildlings have been great and have kept entertained while I did some housework and ironing.

But this morning my hackles where right up and I felt angry for quite a while. A couple of people don't like the fact I have organised this scavenger hunt and they stirred the pot on FB post. They all live like 4streets away and wanted me to include the 80 other children that live in the surrounding areas. Well if it wasn't covid it could happen but I also don't have a spare £80 to spend on eggs. But my lovely neighbourhood saved the day and have been very supportive. And the one's that stirred the pot are the kind of people to cause trouble and stick their noses in . ( Rant over ).

Carson has been a hit and miss all day. With Calpol he perks up but when it's running out his temp flare's back up. And he is so snotty. I'm putting it down to his teeth as he hasn't been anywhere to pick up any bugs . He also didn't even want a wee ice lolly so I know he's unwell. That Jedi love's food.

I'm cleaning up the carnage from their dinner and then I will bath two of them . Mr R is working late tonight again. He works so hard . Tomorrow I will batch cook dinner and then that way if he's working late I'll have mines earlier.

One of my lovely neighbours has just given the Wildlings a Easter egg each and a bike helmet. Xander is over the moon. As he says it's awesome.

Day one of the school holidays and we have survived :-)

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