Tomorrow Gets Me Higher.....

5. Under: Get down and take a photo of 'under'. It could be something hiding underneath something, or your perspective from under something.

We are all "under" something.

Some are under the thumb.

Some are under cover.

Some are under the covers (which is where I like to be).

Some people are under pressure;

but I have the secret to relieving that pressure.

It's called Mindfulness.

Or "living for the moment".

Forget the past, it's gone there is nothing you can do about it.

Don't worry about tomorrow, you may never reach there.

Live for the moment you are in, nothing more, nothing less.

Don't do something for the sake of reaching something else.

Don't wash the dishes because you need a plate to make yourself something to eat.

Wash the dishes, because that is what you want to do at that moment. Enjoy the water, enjoy the suds, enjoy the squeaky clean.

Today, what was I under?

I was under the sky.

And a very lovely sky it was too.

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