
We took a long drive, today. Dan behind the wheel, me in the passenger seat, and Abi in the back, mostly listening to music but occasionally joining in the conversation.

We drove up past Killington Reservoir to junction 37 and then took the back roads north to Penrith before turning west to Keswick, and then down through Grasmere, Ambleside, and Windermere.

I love this stretch of the A591. It always stirs memories of my early love of the lake district, which came from the Arthur Ransome books before I'd even visited here!

It rained loads last night so there was loads of water coming down the hillsides. As we were motoring along and there was nowhere convenient to pull over, I had to satisfy myself with this shot taken out of the car window.

Reading: 'Touching The Void' by Joe Simpson

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