Journies at home

By journiesathome

Perfect storm

Macron chose to speak yesterday because he'd have been taken for a poisson d'avril today.  
And so I was.  
My factory bacalauréat boys had an unprecedented energy at 8 a.m because even if  COVID has stalled the aeronautic industry and all that they have worked for over the last three years is in tatters, the Bac's in the bag for them and they forgot it was the first of April. These boys who I've loved, taught and followed for three years are already making plans to join the army or to become mechanics or to start over again. 
Collège was another matter
This lock down means no school within a spitting distance from the holidays with a jour férié thrown in to boot then add the first of April into the mélange and you have the perfect storm. 
Brendy, Joris and Théo decided they wouldn't sit down.  Jordan hugged me as he came into the room and stuck a fish on my back, Iliès kicked Enzo in the face and hurt his eye, a pupil smashed her head open in the playground.  Armengaud brought a girl into the office in an arm lock and told her to calm down, she told him he was a bastard and broke down in tears. 
The perfect storm washed up fish and fights.

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