
I met Bags and the Cygnet at the shop this morning.
They had been out for a walk and the Cygnet was seemingly going hell for leather down the hill when the scooter hit something and stopped dead.
He didn't.
Right over the top and landed on his face.
Seemingly he got up with a mouthful of leaves but was fine and got straight back on the scooter.
Good lad.

Coffee at the garden center with a friend ........ only 2 hours today.
The saltwater tank is coming on - but the new configuration of rocks etc makes it very hard to photograph ..... especially as things are now closer to the glass and a lot of it is too close to focus on with the lens up against the glass to stop glare and reflections.

I found some pictures of deer I took back in 2008 and haven't done anything with.
I particular;y like the one of the stag 'exploding'.
He was shaking the water off after standing up (It was bucketing with rain at the time) ......... just like a dog.

UPDATE .......... after being cleaned there is not a mark on him.

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