
By Grammy

He is Risen

Sure hope everyone had as nice an Easter Sunday as we did. Hubby and my mother arrived before we were fully awake. My daughter made bunny rolls and I fixed the rest of breakfast. Then we got serious about the Easter meal. As you can see in the top right photo, we had a feast and everyone was ready to enjoy it. My sister made the lamb cake, a traditional Easter dessert when we were kids. Mack helped me with the Easter egg fruit pizza. We also had a yummy chocolate cake and strawberry cheese pie. My oldest daughter and two other grands stopped by for a bite to eat, some leftovers and to visit their great grandmother. They enjoyed a game or so of cards. We all pitched in with clean up and then it was time for evening Mass at my mother’s church, dedicated to St. Michael the Archangel, see the bottom left photo. My maternal great grandfather and his crew built this church so it has a special place in our heart. My children, their father, and my parents all attended the associated school. The only down side of the day was that Skylar had to work from 11:00 till 3:00 so she ate later rather than with the family. Our society puts so much emphasis on the commercial side of American holidays and it saddens me. We have so much to be thankful for, let us start with thanking God for our salvation. Appreciate your visits, stars and chats.

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