I’m going to need a bigger branch

Yesterday’s blip was overshadowed by the tree outside Morningside Parish Church! Very impressive.

I’d gone for a walk to get some fresh air after a morning on the laptop. I’d a vague idea of photographing the Morningside clock but when I saw this there was no alternative. Fortunately the occasional hail flurries held off.

On seeing the photo my wife remarked that the church used to be known as St Mathew’s. It was where her late parents were married 60 years ago on the 14th April. I also remember it as the location of the funeral of the Rt Hon John Smith MP who had his Edinburgh home nearby.

The church was designed by the architect Hippolyte Blanc who from the 1870s designed many churches including the one I attend - Mayfield Salisbury (as it is now known).

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