early morning mouse-hunting

this cat is very happy that mouse-season has started again. I expect that we won't see her much in the next few weeks - not until she's ready to dump a load of kittens on us anyway.....
It's so wonderful that the light has returned, we're all feeling happier and chirpier now.
This morning my alarm went off just as I'd lain down after spending the whole night trying to get people to go to sleep and dealing with unexpected visitors. Well, so I thought, turned out that it was just an unfortunately timed dream and I'd been asleep my allotted five and half hours. Dreams are totally nuts. Well, mine are. I'm so glad that real life is slightly less weird - though today has had its moments and I have had to hold my snorts of derision back on a number of occasions.
Anyway, today is one of those "Spitzimixi blabbers on endlessly" days so I'll just fade out here and let you get on.......................................

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