A hectic day

Why do appointments arrive for the same day? I shouldn’t complain as the times today were staggered and manageable. 
We started with a Tesco’s food delivery which was put away in time to head out to the hospital that I visited yesterday late afternoon. 

Today there was someone on reception and a supply of masks in the box on the table. There were patients and staff about, but in manageable numbers to feel confident and safe. We knew where we were going today which was helpful. 

I had an echocardiogram undertaken by a pleasant young lady. I had to lay still for 20 minutes whilst the machine intermittently made strange noises. When finished she was very helpful in answering questions about the test, she showed me my new aortic valve and ‘big Bertha’ the new plumbing!!! I’ve had one before, the night before my surgery, by a very stressed young man. I didn’t think that it was appropriate to ask questions at that point in time, we had more important things to think about!! 

Having had one episode of excitement for today, it was home for lunch, then into town for hair appointments. Town was busy with mostly under 20 yr old females .......in a queue outside Primark.

It was a lovely feeling to be relieved of the lockdown mop of hair. It’s about 16 weeks since our last appointments. I’ve never seen B with such long hair, but it is so much better now. He has gone off to coach athletics this evening, so dinner will be ever so late. We can’t have fish and chips two nights running!!! 

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