Life In Wales

By KarenC

The Butterfly Garden

It's been a busy, but good day which started with an early morning swim - the first in a long time!   I was in the pool by 7.45am and it wasn't very busy which was good, I did contemplate swimming in the outdoor pool but the water temperature was only 23 degrees, and as I'd had to scrape ice off my car this morning, I decided I'd stay indoors.

After my swim I went to Chris' to have my hair cut and highlighted, and then I picked Amanda up as we had tickets to a Butterfly Garden in Ditchling.  We drove with both of us wearing masks and with the windows open, but it was only a short distance, and as our tickets weren't until 2.30pm, we took a picnic lunch and went to Ditchling Common where we sat by the water and then had a walk.

The Butterfly Garden was amazing, and felt very tropical as it was 35 degrees in there, and there were so many different butterflies.  I only recent found out about this place,  so I'm glad I got to visit before we move.  It costs £4.50 for a ticket and you get 30 minutes in there which is plenty enough time due to the heat and humidity.  They currently only allow a maximum of 14 people at a time, but it was very quiet when we were there and we were about 6 at any given time.

On our way back to Brighton, we stopped off at a garden centre as I wanted to look for a little garden plaque for mum.  They didn't have what I wanted, but it was nice looking round and the closest thing I've done to shopping in ages!   Amanda bought an Ivy and some herbs and I bought another 'Bleeding Heart' plant - Amanda laughed that I'm due to move and buying plants, but I love them and don't often see them - well I don't go to garden centres very often. I'm taking my other plants which are in tubs, so it's not a problem to take one extra.

After dropping Amanda at home, I had a quick turnaround, prepared a chilli for dinner and then went out to meet Alison at the beach for a walk.  I'm fast running out of time and still so many people to see and things I want to do!

With regards to the move, I've had numerous phone calls today with the two estate agents and everyone's doing what they can.  I also spoke to the removal company again, who have now said that they can't move us on our suggested dates.  I therefore called the other company that had quoted, but who were slightly more expensive, and they were very helpful and have pencilled the date in and said they should be able to do it.  Of course nothing is guaranteed until we're ready to exchange.  So we're hoping to complete on 29th April which is two weeks today, but I've suggested that if we can't achieve it, we go for Wednesday 5th May - our buyer's have already instructed their internet company to take over on the 5th!

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