
By Jen_Elliot

Cleaning Frenzy

Oooh look at that clean hob.

Good day. Early call about funding application that I need to look at. Good to catch up with G of PC.

My boy played with a pal (we thought we'd lost them but it only lasted a few mins).

Catch up call about Bellfield volunteers. Then the cleaning frenzy stuck.

Started outside when I weeded and swept the pavement, then swept the courtyard, then started on the kitchen floor, but no point doing that while the hob was manky, so tackled the hob. Cleaned the bin and cat litter, swept and mopped all through the tiled floors.

Daughter met her pal for walk. Eggs were delivered. Daughter taken to athletics (not by me this time).

Watched EYT film festival premier - very enjoyable. Did ironing while watching.

G made a delicious dinner of fish, salad and spuds. Called mum.

Buckled down to the required Bellfield work and got through that.

Time to switch off.

To Bearsden tomorrow ♥️♥️

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