The Rev went out early with his camera to capture some views across the fields and I baked a rhubarb and ginger cake. When he came back we went for a short walk before visitor no1 arrived.....
#J (and Evie the dog of course) came for Sunday took such a lot to prepare....takeaway from the pub opposite * Then we played a game whilst we waiting for our other guests....and we waited ....quick where are you call? I’d agreed the wrong Sunday !!!!£&!?@! duh
So J left at 5 and the Rev said...Right in the car let’s go to Hastings
It was still quite warm but the weekend crowds had gone and we enjoyed a visit to the BIER Garden...:)))) beer garden on the pier. They had a very good system...lots of space and fresh air yet it felt quite normal. We took a long walk along the front before heading home.
A day of guests, muddles, spontaneity and sunshine....and cake! :)))

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