In the Pink.

Naughty Mum. I left my electric blanket on this morning when I was doing the school run. When I returned home I went back to bed with my book and a cup of tea and stayed there until it was time to pick up at lunchtime!

I should reproach myself for such terribly selfish behaviour - being a mum and all - but I was practising for Mother's day on Sunday.

There....confession over.....I feel much better...I promise never to do it again...(at least not until next Friday).

No 3's school was dressing up for Book Week today (most schools did this yesterday) - No 3 went as 'Sienna the Saturday Fairy'. No great hardship with regards to finding a costume...we have wardrobes of Pink clothes, wings and fairy wands. In fact, whereas most mums do a Whites and Darks wash,....I do a separate PINK wash in this house!

Our new next door neighbour called in to say hello today,which I thought was a nice gesture. The lovely lady who lived next door is now in a home, and her house has been empty for 18 months. Nice to see someone taking care of the place. Although - as they have no children - I have already apologised for the noise from my 3 (and our Rabbit has very wild parties in the Greenhouse at night).

I hope I haven't scared them off!

Here's No 3 - post swimming lesson. The toy kitchen equipment has moved from play house to kitchen and is now decorating our lounge.

Oh goodee.

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