Fluffy on the outside.

Sorry, emergency blip of No 3 again. Dreich day outside !

Wet hockey for No 2 (they lost 0-3) against Mary Erskine. Not a bad result given they played with only 8 players and ME had the correct 11.

Ballet and Modern for No 3. No 1 had a soggy trip into town to upgrade her bus pass to a junior now she is 16 (grrrr! Having to pay full fare for 16 year old school children doesn't seem right).

No 1 has 2 trial walks in the Pentlands in a week for her silver Duke of Edinburgh award. She borrowed boots and jacket for the Bronze one and was completely soaked because of the horrendous weather last time. The Silver award is longer walks and more nights sleeping in a tent. Decided to check out 'GO Outdoors' the warehouse for everything outdoorsy.

Mr S was in ecstasy. Sharing his tips for breaking in'proper' boots....until, that is,.... he came to pay for his loot. Think we got a bit carried away as we all decided we needed waterproofs or fleeces for our Easter trip to St Abbs.

We will be the best dressed Weegies on St Abbs Head!

Back home in time for the Rugby. Scotland vs Wales (pitiful) and Ireland vs France (we wuz robbed!).

Here's No 3 in her new fluffy fleece. This one has fold over sleeves to tuck your hands in....she thinks she looks like a big pink teddy bear.

P.S. Just found this - 500 hundred days to make a Weegie very Proud indeed.

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