
Geographically busy day. Mr S was clearing out Grandpa S's house again, and I was chief chauffeur for the girls.

No 1 was out for a late birthday lunch, No 2 was watching the footy in town, No 3 was dancing. Me? - I was chasing windy washing around the garden!

I just hope my big pants didn't end up smothering someone's prize Begonias six miles away !

No 3 had some friends over to play this afternoon, I stayed in the kitchen, made a curry and a carrot cake and watch the first few episodes of 'Breaking Bad'. No 3 was very impressed with a cake made from carrots. She went from yeuch to yummy !

Mr S brought these little gems home from Grandpa S's house. I was a BIG Rupert fan when I was little. I read his stories daily in my dad's newspaper. I loved the Magic Painting in the Annual....and NEVER read the full story (only read the two rhyming lines under each picture).

I had a flick through these books and recognised a lot of the stories. Some of which were very dark and had scary characters - and VERY un-pc !

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