
By Grammy

Misty Sunday Morning

The entire ridge was shrouded in fog when I awakened. Before I could get outside, all but the fog in the valley had burned off. These cows and calves were disappointed I did not bring them breakfast. Or they came up the hill to get a better view of me tumbling down the side of my sister’s wet property onto the gravel road. Sometimes, having a little extra padding helps. I may have a few bruises but that is the worst of it. There is a small brown calf that entertained me jumping like a baby lamb and head butting the other small ones. I’m glad the neighbor bought this property for pasture so we can enjoy his animals. The sun came out later in the day and the guys cut off dead branches in the wild cherry tree. Then they took a ride around the ridges. Collectively, we got all the laundry caught up. A few friends stopped by just to say hello, one thing I really love about WV folks. Now we are making a baked ham, cabbage and potatoes dinner, one of my favorite meals. All in all, we have enjoyed a quiet Sunday. If you temp fate, you will likely regret it. I knew the rocks on the side of the hill were slippery and that my shoe soles were smooth - foolish maneuver. Thanks for all the stars yesterday. Made me smile.

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