Mother's Day Tea

3years 138days

We played at home for a nice while this morning. She brought down a whole load of her dolls things and spread right aross the lounge, having a lovely time. We ended up being a little late for leaving for gymnastics! So a speedy cycle and we just made it in time.

She enjoyed gymnastics. She's finally doing the badge work for her first badge, which they'll have completed before Easter, so thats exciting. They did two movement to music bits not just one, and that always goes down well with her and Bobbobs. The circuit at the beginning was better today, more challenging for them. She's got really confident in her jumping off the vault, including a beautiful full height stretch as she jumps and a nice bent knee landing.

She was more content about the afternoon at nursery today, because she knew that late afternoon, Mummy was coming for tea!! The nursery had planned a Mothers' Day tea for mummies, grannies and such. So I got to sit beside her - right beside her; she snuggled as close as she could - and was treated to beautiful homemade quiche and strawberry cream cake. Their nursery cook is Good! They've done a photo-card of each child as well. Katie's is her in a chef's hat, with bread and butter pudding that she helped to make. And refused to eat. I love the photo cards, although I was a little sad at Christmas and again now that they didnt make a "cheesy kid card". But the tea together was a lovely time. She was funny though - she went all shy of the nursery staff when I got there. Plus Stephen did say that Katie is quite a lot less chatty on the days that Lesley doesnt work. It was great to see how they work - watching Katie pour out drinks from a jug of water for herself and her friends, the children queuing up nicely for their food, carrying it to the tables themselves, all keen to clean up the table after.

When I got her out of preschool, she realised that the sensory room lights were all on still, so she went in there for a good few minutes before she would leave. She's always loved them. She's never found a sensory room soothing and sleep-inducing, even from being small they made her laugh and wave and excited. She was just like that again today.

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