See you!

2years 139days

This is the cheeky face I saw peeping at me as I popped to get her bag from the car (parked directly in front of the window, I might add!)

She appeared in the bathroom this morning when I was in the bath. She'd been and got a pair of my socks and put them on, pulled up to her thighs. She knew she was funny, and did a little dance. She'd found one of her little ink stamper things and had done it all on her hands and then wiped her face, so she was covered in purple. Again, which she thought was funny.

She had been up since not much after 5, but actually, i ended up being pleased about it as it meant she'd had a nice time playing at home for a decent time before nursery. She'd asked to stay and play, so she'd had enough time doing just that before I got her dressed and we left. She grumbled about going in the room there, but went to one of the staff happily and was busy before I left, to no tears. I looked back over the last few months this morning, and it wasnt that long ago that nursery was still a challenge. She's so happy there now. And yes, I'm reconsidering moving her, as they've made a suggestion as to how they could help. I find out tomorrow if its going to be possible.

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