Whilst in Devon..

By TonyL

A little exercise for you..

Stare at a brightly coloured object / surface for about 15 seconds, then stare at a white surface. The after effect colour you will see is its complimentary opposite.
You may well be aware of this fact already.
There are many books etc going into the 'spiritual' aspect of colours, eg. colours of chakras etc etc.
Ever wonder why purple is a favoured colour of religious leaders etc.
But at the end of the day if you want to find what colour goes well with what then this is a handy tool.

Extra images as examples.

Whilst on the subject of colour.....
The visible light spectrum is the section of the electromagnetic spectrum that is visible to the human eye. (Infra red and ultra violet are off at each end).
So what colour is right in the middle? The one we are most geared up to seeing?
Green. So any connection with nature is absolutely accidental!

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