Life's Rich Pageant, London

There's a music reference in the title for those who are fans of a particular band! Spotted this in a newspaper today:

A Welfare Checklist For Employers

Are the demands placed on people reasonable in terms of workload, work patterns and work environment

2. Control 
How much say does a person have in how they work?

3. Support
Are people getting encouragement, support and resources they need to do their jobs?

4. Relationships
Organisations need to promote positive work environments and deal with
unacceptable behaviour promptly and fairly, so people have pyschological safety to work  productively and calmly.

5. Roles
Are people clear about their role and how they contribute to the success of the business. Lack of this can lead to disengagement and feed insecurity and self-doubt.

6 Change 
Are people involved in decisions that change their work? If you remove agency from people, it will trigger stress and decrease motivation.

At the moment, where I work, it fails on every single one of these points! If these were the things that employers thought about much more then a lot of workplaces would be nowhere near as joyless and stressful as they often are.

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