Tongland Abbey Archaeological Dig

Today's the day ........................ to uncover the past

Hurray, hurray - the Dig started today!  Pretty much on schedule, the man with the digger opened up the new 2021 trenches last week - and today, the gang assembled to begin this year's excavation to find the remains of Tongland Abbey.  

This is John - already down to the level where we left off at the end of last year.  Back then, the excavated surface was covered with a sort of membrane which makes it easy to get back there the next time.  And the digging can carry on to see how far that wall continues - and whether there are any new structures to discover.

Jenny found a coin (see extra).  It's quite hard to make out here because it is just as she found it - but hopefully when it is cleaned, it will confirm that it is a penny or half-penny dating from the time of George III.  So it has been lying in the ground for the past two hundred years or so - until today. 

It's so good to be back digging - and who knows what excitements will await us over the summer ........................!

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