Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

Violent scenes and language - stay well back

Her has gone off to brat sit while the son in law does what I've been doing all week, hacking down a hedge, while our daughter assists.
The boy decided, as Flossie has hurt a toenail and finds walking very painful, to catch up on some admin.
First put washing on, transfer previous load to the tumble dryer, hum away merrily. Place pot of raspberry jam, made yesterday evening after the rugby, on JazzyB's doorstep as a thank you for her choccy brownies........

Look away now if one is prone to faint at threats of violence.

Decide to varnish a few pieces of our stone to display my air plants on. Look in vain for the six paint brushes I had prepared for painting the shed next week (You may have just missed the first clue). At this point Tourette's was changing from an internal to an external output. If she goes into my garage once more I swear I'll use that bloody axe she bought me. On and on it went, hunted, hurled, slammed, madness and the red mist started to descend. Time to back off.

Now think lad. You know you found your roller, roller refills, paint brushes and tray so where did you put them? "In the garage you dull barsteward!!!" If they were here lad you would find them, so they aren't here, where were you going to use them? "In the shed you idiot!" Of course you were, go on and have a look. ........... Nothing. Did you look properly? "Ummm yes..."
Do it again. "What bloody fool left them on the back shelf of the chuffing shed? She will die a thousand deaths before taking her last breath.....I put them there didn't I?


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