
By ayearinthelife

Run to You

Or, more accurately, “Run to Zoo”!
Aware that I’d not run a 10K for this month. Equally aware that my Achilles’ tendon is still not mended, so decided to just run along the canal footpath as far as the outskirts of Chester Zoo and then turn round and run back until I hit the 10K mark.
To make it a bit more flexible, Mrs C was out wandering around with her camera, so I said I’d stop running when I found her (as long as I’d gone far enough) and we could walk back to the flat together.
A brilliant plan in many respects. With no roads to cross, no traffic to look out for, very few other people around and - most importantly - no hills, it seemed an ideal route to run, albeit with little variation in scenery - basically the water was on the left on the way out and on the right on the way back! I’m sure there may have been other things to see but, as I don’t wear my glasses whilst running, they probably passed me by.
The one fatal flaw in the plan was that Mrs C got bored quite early on and started heading for home, meaning I had to run a lot further than planned to catch up with her. In fact, by the time I passed her, I was only a few hundred metres away from getting back to my starting point, so I just kept running until I’d completed the full distance.
Pretty pleased with the stats. At 12.5K, it’s the longest run I’ve ever done and my 10K time was the fastest I’d done. Not aching too much either, though I suspect it may be a different story tomorrow. Maybe I won’t be running down to Saturday’s PT session after all!

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