
By bananablip

Arenig Fawr

I woke up to ice on the tent this morning which was a new one on me. Thanks to the (many) layers I was wonderfully snug inside.

Due to it's proximity to Bala and a few recommendations from friends and blippers (thanks IanWright), dad and I climbed Arenig Fawr today. A wonderful walk with a winding path past the lake (Llyn Celyn) and the little bothy and then a good scramble up to the top. The weather was lush and we enjoyed views across Snowdonia from the top.

Unfortunately, as it tends to do up in the mountains, the weather quickly changed and it was soon hailing / snowing and we had a rather rough journey on the route down. We were pretty soggy by the time we finally reached the bottom and the peak looked rather more white than when we had started out. Worth it for a day on the hills though.

Perfect way to end the day? Fish, chips and more local beer. 

Di iawn. 

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