Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Newest addition to the team

After work we went for team drinks and a meal, with a colleague on maternity leave bringing this little beauty along for the occasion. It was special on a number of other levels, being our first physical get together since October and a chance to meet a new team member who up until now had only been a virtual entity. The food was good in my local pub (as ever) and the company excellent.

I am struggling with my eating at the moment. I have been afraid to go near the scales for weeks and on any given day I can see my t shirt rising over the bulge of my stomach. All the good work from last year is being lost as I stress gorge on bread and biscuits and drink far too much beer. I really don't know what has gotten into me although on one level I blame Vladimir Putin, the terrible economic news, and global warming. Somehow restraint doesn't seem important when the end of the world feels imminent.

Occasionally I glimpse a flash of something genuinely uplifting and spiritual. Maybe that is a stress reaction to the insanity of the 21st century as well, the need to believe there is something more being as important as the need to eat, drink and procreate for some of us humans. This is usually a visual thing, a glimpse of an aesthetic that carries more meaning than the vicissitudes of a world gone mad. Maybe that is why Gaudi had such an impact on me in Barcelona last week. A spiritual leg up as it were.

Had a sub optimal contact with my GP practice. Submitted a form on their website yesterday asking for blood tests (I have them every six months for my long term condition). Today I get a message back asking me why I want them as there is no request form from the consultant. Note: I've been having these tests for ten years without any additional paperwork. Even better there is no way to reply (even though I was being asked a question). Then a couple of hours later I get a text message asking me to arrange an appointment for bloods. Great. I click the link which takes me to where I can make an appointment which then says the website is closed as the practice is under too much pressure. 
I am Confused. Bloated and confused. Bloated, anxious and confused. Which I think might be the new situation normal ...

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