Gitama's World

By Gitama

Sir Croak-A-Lot ....Take 2

That poor frog.
Flynn had been missing him...we hadn't seen him for a be fair I thought the cat or the snake had got the poor guy.
Even though our puss puss is an inside cat his main domain is on the verandah ( 2 storeys up so no escape) the sun.
Tonight we forgot to bring him in ( the cat) and we all winced when we heard Sir CAL give a loud squeak.
We saved him from any damage thank goodness (I'm sure he has a death wish)...but that poor guy...if a near mauling from the resident feline is not enough the boy has to go an pick him up ...stroke and love him for a while....I am afraid there is nothing we can do about least we get him to wet his hands before picking him up...and of course he brings him into me to take a pic......which took many shots as I didn't want to use the flash and for that boy to stay still for long enough is a joke
'But Nanny I get all twitchy'
At least he knows about long exposure and why he has to stay still.

It's been a bit of a busy/social day...a long visit from a friend....a long convo with my brother who is up from Sydney and wrapping and beautifying Mothers Day pressies.

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