
By cowgirl

The morning after ...

.... the Big Wig party of the night before!

Yesterday was the birthday of a long standing friend of mine - I reckon we met at riding club, pre-high school days, so that's a good 37 years ago!

Maria loves to play the host and over the years has thrown some great bashes. Our high school parties held in the out building at her parents place on the edge of the village ( at a convenient distance away from other dwellings so no-one complained about the noise!) are legendary. In today's 'youth speak' they would almost be classed as a rave, but as we're talking early '80's there was none of that monotonous beat kinda music playing - oh no, we were Rockers, with a capital R! It was all long hair and denim with us. A good many of us are still in touch and those parties are often referred to with great fondness ( and wonder at how come there are so many teenage pregnancies thesedays when " it never happened in our day and we had 'The Dark Room' at Guesty's partys and goodness knows what was going on in there!!! ).

Anyway, last night was a more grown up affaire, although probably still as many people turned up. This time it was held,not in the dusty old out buildings of the farm as that property is no longer in the family, but in the village institute. I reckon there was a good 150 people there and maybe 3 people decided not to wear wigs - boy, did they feel silly!

I tell you what tho - doing 'The Spread' in a wig doesn't half make you sweat!

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