
By cowgirl

Canal boat canine!

Fossey would have loved to get on a boat but I convinced her we should just get on with our walk! We started in Bradford-on-Avon and followed the instructions in my old guide across fields to Avoncliffe. Some of the styles are now unsuitable for dogs as the land owners have added wire fencing to the wooden ones already there and not left a gap at the style to allow dogs through. I had to lift Fossey over two and she managed to jump two more - bit annoying, but we managed. At least the route back to Bradford was easy along the foot/cycle path that runs alongside the Kennet and Avon Canal.

I was supposed to be looking after Fossey all week whilst Jo and Simon were off on holiday in Spain, but Si's mum had a massive stroke on Friday, so they are with her. She's only receiving palliative care so I'm still looking after Fossey as things are very much up in the air.... If a reminder was needed to live life to the full ...

Be more dog, as the advert says! Although being more dog wouldn't make me want to take out a new mobile phone contract ( the ad is for O2, a mobile network provider ). The only use a dog might find for a phone is as a chew toy!

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