Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


I used to have cake every day but now it’s more like once a week or even less. So this was a rare treat from my local cafe where the lovely Sarah makes the coffee and recommends movies. She enthused over A Promising Young Woman so I shall add that to our list.

I was distracted from work by Polish Plumbers and big hairy men delivering timber (amongst other things). The wood came in two 2.5 metre lengths but they are a very chunky 20cm square. Perfect for garden landscaping, which is why I bought them. 

The election results were depressing but predictable. It is to our shame as a nation that such corrupt politicians seem so unassailable and so re-electable, but as Isaiah Berlin would say - why are you surprised? I had a volume of his essays delivered today and opened a page at random and read this: "If a master can condition his slaves to love their chains he does not thereby increase their liberty, although he may increase their contentment and decrease their misery". Actually I think Loki used the same argument in Avengers Assemble when addressing the crowds in Germany ... anyway ... we have been clearly conditioned to love our Tory masters and no doubt the odious Bojo will rule for decades ... end of rant ...

Thirteen thousand steps today. Really smashing the steps n’ calories thing at the mo and feeling pretty good for it...

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