Just a little run...

Woke up this morning all set for my 20 miler, looked out of the window and saw the snow. It's odd but I didn't contemplate not going out. I just despaired at how wet I was going to get. It would seem that running isn't a choice anymore!

Today's run was interesting. Here are some of the highlights:

Mile 5 - bright sunshine - I started worrying that I hadn't put on any suntan lotion.

Mile 8 - hail storm - no longer worried about sun burn

Mile 12 - snow

Mile 16 - another hail storm

Mile 18.5 - heavy hail storm

Mile 20 - bright sunshine

This weather is baffling me! Although I'm now soaking in a well deserved bath and have no plans to leave the house (or the sofa for that matter) for the rest of the day so I no longer care! Do what you like Edinburgh weather!!

This is a shot along the Water of Leith, just outside Stockbridge. It looks like another world. And of course, I thought you might appreciate my stats once again!

Exercise: 20 mile run
March running mileage: 35.5 miles
2013 running mileage: 263 miles

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