
By stellarossa


The boys are with their father this weekend.

So today I:

- made myself breakfast in bed
- loaded the dishwasher and cleaned the kitchen
- did 4 loads of washing
- folded two baskets of laundry
- went to the supermarket
- answered a call from son no.2 wondering how to get a stain out of his T-shirt
- watched half a football match in the biting cold (they lost, badly)
- caught up on work emails whilst watching Lightfields on demand (this was the fun activity)
- started, but did not finish, the ironing
- ignored the emails from my ex-husband criticising my competence as mother.

This is a picture of my mum. She died several years ago when I was in Liberia. It was unexpected and a shock. It took me days to get home. I still miss her. Our childhood home had a large garden where lots of daffodils grew and we used to go out and pick bunches of them on mother's day to put in an old pewter vase that I now have sat on a shelf here in my kitchen.

The boys will be back later so instead of 'Mother's Day we'll have Mother's Evening (I hope, I could do with it!)

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