Fozzie Bear!

Mother's day in the UK. Woke up to a nice text message from my sister in Oz and the Full Monty delivered to my bed! - I'm referring, of course, to a full Scottish breakfast ...fruit puddin', black puddin' etc ... enough to make me turn into a big puddin' !

Bitterly cold outside, snowed off and on all day.

We were planning a walk along the beach but it was (a) too cold and (b) no one wanted to go....a better offer came by way of a trip to visit a friend and her 3 boys.

C's 3 boys are very popular with my 3 girls (especially their boys toys). Headed to the park to burn off some testosterone but only last 30 mins or so because it was too cold. Back at C's - movies for kids and coffee and chat for me.

No 1 getting a bit stressed about 'folios, NABs and upcoming exams. Wish I could take some of the stress away from her.

Here's a wee picture of Z - one of our favourite boys. He's a wee gem a big hit with the ladiees !

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