Snow's Back !

Caught us all by the unawares!

Road chaos this morning...only a few inches this morning (no dirty jokes please!) but the gritters weren't out and there were no buses heading up to school for No 1 and No 2.

They left for school and stayed warm in a friend's house (near the bus stop) eating bacon rolls! Eventually walking the 3 miles to school - took about 90 mins but that included a pit stop at the petrol station for some Hot Chocolate!

The rest of us managed a very slow journey to work by car. -3 degrees...a bit nippy for March.

Back home in front of the fire now.

Here's No 2 and No 3 playing in the snow in the garden. It's quite dark out there now so this blip is a bit grainy.

I remember sledging down the main road in the village I grew up in until about 9.00 pm - under the yellow light of the street lamps.

Black wellies, wellie warmers you knitted at school, cold wet gloves, itchy woollie hats and your cagoule (or parka if you were a boy) or duffle. No Goretex in those days.

We even had to defrost the dog in front of the fire (dog was on the sledge too).

Keep warm (or cool if you are Celebrating Canberra's 100 year anniversary!)

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