A Life In Frames, Aylesford

A lot of my still life images are not shot in a studio but in my back garden, standing on a chair and shooting downwards (sometimes with a splash of flash to give it a bit of poke)! Today's shot was taken this way as I do like the perspective it gives to an image. I think frames and framing are an integral part of my working life (the paintings I shoot nearly always have frames, after all) and my passion for photography in the way I compose my own images, so today's shot was a way of expressing that. 20 x 16 also happens to be my favourite size of print!
The work situation is beginning to reveal itself more - we will be having the big meeting (on lovely Microsoft Teams, with our new webcams (I can't wait)) on Monday. Our boss wants another meeting before the big meeting and said he's got some questions he thinks we should ask.This annoyed me as I think we can all come up with our own questions, thanks for asking! 
One of the new layers of management is a proposed Photo Studio Manager which I really don't think we need at all. We have all managed our own studios and workflow for years and I find the less interference from managers and the more I can communicate directly the better it works. Instead, they will probably employ a person who will be paid far more than me who will then proceed to tell how to do my job. I think, by now, I bloody well know how to do it! Too many British workplaces create these types of non job instead of listening to the employees who do the job everyday and who have the experience and great ideas to make working practices so much better. 
Right, it's now going to be wine, good telly and a curry. I'm so going to enjoy it.

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