Safe Love At The Cathedral, Rochester

A quick micro trip over to Rochester before the weekly shop (unfortunately it was my turn and I got the "chucker" at the till - the groceries were coming at me way too fast to catch up with the bagging. A hillock of foodstuffs built up very quickly!).
Today's image was taken just before the deluge that has us pinned in a covered driveway up a side street for a good ten minutes or so. We only had one umbrella between us so, after making a run for it back to the car, we were both half -soaked through, me on my left and my brother on his right. Joyful didn't quite cover it.
Then when we got back home it was time for a lovely, funny, silly, surreal and entirely stupid episode of Taskmaster with a cold glass of wine. I've now just finished making a huge, great big (or large, as my primary school teacher would correct me) pot of chilli. I love how everyone's has a different recipe - mine includes sweet chilli sauce, berbere, tinned tomatoes, sun-dried tomato paste and dark chocolate plus a teaspoon of marmite! I really have now gone over to the dark side - I used to hate marmite with a passion but have only just discovered that it's actually a work of genius. Maybe late converts are the worst, but I think I've only now seen the light, or maybe I've just been consumed by the darkness after all.

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