A Sudden Evening Sun, Aylesford

After yesterday's soaking I thought I might be spared one today. No such luck. On my way to catch my train home I noticed the sky getting darker and darker and darker. Then there was the most almighty crack of thunder, I'm certain I felt the ground shake. At that point I knew the rain was imminent but I had my umbrella already unfurled and thought I could keep myself reasonably dry. Within a minute or so I knew this was futile as the rain came lashing down in torrents. My feet were soon sloshing around in my trainers, my jeans were soaked through from the knee down and my jacket felt like a very wet dishcloth. Sitting for the next hour on a busy commuter train while as soggy as I was was a great thrill!
Today's image is of my back garden when a sudden burst of evening sun suddenly appeared and the trees, bushes and hedges seemed to glow with a verdant greeness that almost made my eyes hurt. The beautiful undulating winter jasmine bush lining the garage wall has been created by my brother. I think it looks amazing, especially in this wonderful burst of light just before dusk.
The supposed work meeting about what's going on never materialised. Absolutely bloody typical.

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