The Silverback’s Glasses

The Silverback’s decided he doesn’t like multi focals, so he has about three pairs of glasses. Distance ones in plain and sunglass, and mid range pair for computers, playing guitar etc. Strangely he reads without glasses! His mid rangers mostly live in the music room, but he also wears them to eat dinner.

He’s also loosing his marbles, but that’s another story.

So, last night they serve up dinner -pulled pork sliders with shredded leek - (no! I’m serious! Lovely meat bowl to lick afterwards). And he pops out the back room for his ‘middies’.

He gets back about five minutes later. ‘Should have seen the sunset out the back window’ he says. ‘I got a photo for you to Blip tomorrow Enz’ (like many folk in Queensland he loves to shorten names).

Anyhow, he sits down, looks at his blurry plate and says ‘S•••, forgot to get my specs!’

Bless him, he’s mostly being his best self!

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