Because this is who I am

By Brighde

Artists Studios

Weight: 12 stone 0 pounds
Weight lost since last weigh in: 5 pounds
Update: Have eaten mainly apples and syn free soup.

This makes me look like I paint. I don't.

I hate painting, well I mean I enjoy splodging a big blop of paint on a page and smearing it around but can you really call that painting? I hate painting anything else, like fruit or people or anything ever. I cant draw and I can't paint. No its not a confidence thing. It's a fact of life. y'know how people say that they cant sing? And they really cant. It's that on paper.

So, there we are. And as I've managed to some how blissfully get through to my alevel without a single drawing of my own (tracing) its become apparent that I need to do some. This is because I want an A overall. And so far, I'm getting a B. Therefore I have resat that years exam section (for some great reason) so I will achieve this. For no reason- I'm not going to uni or anything like that but y'know when you want one? I've never got a real A.

Anyway, education's boring.

Happy Blipping.

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