By lizzie_birkett

The Greenhouse :-D

All finished! The tomato plants are in there along with pepper, chilli and cucumber plants.
Frank’s next job is making some staging but he can have a well earned rest first! He just hopes it doesn’t blow down if there are gales. I doubt that would happen though, he’s secured it down really well.

I was woken up at 4 this morning by a cacophony of bird chirpy-chatter - sparrows on the roof above our bedroom I think. They were so loud I couldn’t get back to sleep and had to close the window which helped.
I love the sound of birds but not at that time of day!

When Frank and Bella May went to our local for a pint yesterday the landlady (Cat) presented Bella with a lovely tag with a red enamel paw print on it and on the back it says V.I.D. The Black Horse 2021. All the local doggie regulars got one on their first reopening day.

In other news...I’ve done the old knee in again! I wasn’t doing anything strenuous. I had been pottering about outside but I was just standing at one of the troughs on the wall and just felt my knee swelling up.
It happens every 2-3 months. I’m going to make an appointment and see if the Dr will refer me this time. Meantime I have to keep my leg strapped up and elevated.

Frank made a yummy Tofu stir fry tonight with spinach from the garden in it.

A new battery for the Dyson arrived just now. I went for a cheaper make than the actual Dyson one and it was half the price. All the reviews said it is a much stronger and longer lasting battery. Typical that Dyson would make one that doesn’t last!

Anyway that’s it for today.
Thanks for all the lovely comments, stars and hearts yesterday. Frank was touched by the sympathy of Blippers for his poor nose!

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