The haven that is my bed...

It was all made, looking nice and inviting, and then they made it into their own litte haven, in their own little way....

Youngest was quite tearful this morning, eldest tearful this afternoon. Sleep is much needed for them.

The carpet man came today, so all the mud from Saturday is gone, which takes away the rather brutal reminder of it all. As I can't visit the husband, I spent most of my morning cleaning and sorting. Took the dog out for what turned into a ridiculous dog walk as it was so wet and windy. 

My phone has barely stopped all day, it's lovely, but also exhausting. 

Had some lovely chats with the husband, we have some work to do helping him piece together what had happened, but time will help.

Neighbour came over this evening with some strawberry daiquiri, I think we needed it! 

Today I'm grateful for:
My husband
The boys, they have done just so well
A bit of time to reflect (and get a few things done)

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