
Or, don't cook because I have freezer of food!! 

We have very, very kindly been sent food by the institution we are both members of and do a lot of work for.  This is a fraction of what we have been sent - 7 boxes in total!  I had to have a clear out of the freezer, there isn't an inch spare anywhere.  The out of date frozen broccoli and gooseberries were jettisoned to make space. It's unbelievably kind and humbling - and really will help. 

We have some wonderful friends visit today with their three children.  So lovely to see familiar faces who you just slip back into 'normal' with and catch up on all that has been happening. The children all got on so well, the house is a wreck that is a testament to children having a fantastic time, playing with every toy imaginable, sliding down stairs on duvets and enjoying the company of each other just as much as they possibly can. 

Husband is doing really well.  It's been quite a hard day slightly re-living last week, but he has done just so well all week. Hoping he will be home towards the end of the week, and then probably a month off work convalescing (already wondering how long a list of 'jobs' I can give him...). No driving for 6 months, so I'm the taxi service. 

Today I'm grateful for: 
Great friends
Calls with the husband - we can't visit, but he can call me when he moves to get phone reception! 

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