Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Luke at work

Its been a catch up day - laundry done, Gavin and I walked Xena in the woods, then off to the supermarket to get groceries. Meriel made a delicious vegan soup with broccoli and spinach for lunch and she also baked bread to go with it. Luke has been working all day, I don't think he even noticed me taking this photo. Here he is sitting at the kitchen table and I liked the colours of his deep red shirt and the blue of the picture in the background (one of my photos). I hardly took any photos today, its always the case after returning from a different location where your synapses are firing on all cylinders at the new sights around you and you find so much to photograph, and then returning home again its the same old scenes which are not inspiring!

Tonight Gavin and I are going out to dinner at a nearby pub/restaurant with friends who we have not seen since last summer after the first lockdown. It's strange to be seeing friends again, something that should be normal feels almost abnormal after the months of lockdown we have endured.

Fantastic to hear that in the UK they have now administered over 50 million vaccines. They are currently vaccinating the 30-32 age group so hopefully not long until my boys can get vaccinated. I have my second vaccine next week. 

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