The Canonisation Of Prison Island (Kent version)

Today's image was taken on a micro trip into Maidstone following the weekly food shop. I thought I would just go for the most ridiculous title I could think of!
Prison Island is a series of escape rooms designed to provide, according to it's website, an "immersive indoor experience" where you "gather your friends (or enemies, if they hate small spaces!), form a team and solve exciting logical or physical challenges in themed prison cells". Not my particular idea of fun!
The cannon actually dates from the mid 19th Century and was captured at the siege of Sevastopol during the Crimean War - it was presented to the town by Lord Pamure, The Secretary State for War, in 1858. 
Not often you see a 19th Century cannon next to an amusement centre!
After taking my image me and my brother had a quick look around the bookshop (only my second visit to a bookshop in over a year!). I didn't find anything I wanted to buy but enjoyed a good browse. We then headed to our favourite pub in Maidstone, The Market House, for a quick drink before we returned home. As usual the staff seemed genuinely pleased to see us - and believe me in some pubs this is not the case at all!

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