Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

My rebellious little cucumber plant has decided that since I don't give her a higher climbing opportunity, she'll create one for herself and use my curtain... Hm... it'll be fun untangling that later on! :D
Today's been a chore day. But, it's always pleasing to tic off stuff from the list. 
I'm probably going with my cousin to our summer cottage in some weeks, and until then there're stuff that needs to be done and there's a list for that too.
First, though, I'm clearing out a plastic box for my old camera gear. They are currently in my larger camera bag and I need that one for my telescope. I sat here wondering were on Earth I should be able to store my telescope safely and then I remembered the bag! Rather pleased about that solution! Now my hope is that the bag will be large enough for all the telescope components.
Last night I read the manual for it and there will be a lot of alignments and stuff of the different components... the tracker system wants to know where the Polestar is (or rather right next to it, but it's a good referent point). The 'red point' wants to know other things, I need to align something so there'll be focus... and so on. Not just to put this thing up and think it'll sort itself out. :D And the manual is in English too... all the technical stuff can be a bit challenging! But it's so much fun! :) 

I thought Eurovision was super last night! But, I don't know how Italy won... so many better songs. But, good for Italy since it was like 30 years since they had a win last. Englands contribution deserved more than 0, so much more! But, the competition this year was outstanding! :) 

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