Esmée in the middle....

It’s been wonderful to see this little lady today! Non-stop chatter and lots of playing. Over the last fifteen months we’ve seen her maybe four times for real and it’s amazing how she has developed during that time. Of course she has, but we missed her first walking and talking so the changes have seemed bigger. She is all of two and a third! Great to see her parents too!!

As we began the drive home we received a message that Sandra was fast coming to the end of her earthly life, and would we pray for her and her family. We were able to stop in a safe place and do just that. Later Ian our minister, messaged that Sandra had died at 4pm. Her family were with her.

Tonight we’re very sad bit so grateful for the years of friendship we’ve had with Sandra. The last weeks especially, of visiting her with meals and sitting comfortably chatting or sitting by her while she slept, have been precious times. We hold her family close in our hearts tonight.

It’s been a day of extremes. Always, so much to thank God for, to trust him with.

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