Cold and tired

This morning we jumped on a No. 10 bus and went to its terminus at 'Western Harbour' and walked home. The route we took was 5.86 miles and some of it went along the 'Waters of Leith' so I got to have some off lead, run about time. Yay! I was also allowed off my lead when we walked along this path near the 'Firth of Forth'. Yay! The flats at Western Harbour have fabulous views, though to be honest, they were just built on a bit of wasteland in the middle of nowhere and there's not really any amenities nearby. Ann says she's glad we don't live there.

Anyway it was just as well that I had my big walk this morning because for most of this afternoon it's been raining. I didn't go out for very long on my afternoon walk but I still got a bit soggy.

And for the rest of the day, we've both just been snoozing. Ann was so cold and tired after she'd had her lunch that she went to bed for a couple of hours. She doesn't know why she's so tired? It's not like she's actually done anything to make her tired. She had her second COVID vaccine a week ago so don't think we can blame it on that. This weather is making her depressed! We've had the heating on all day. It's May for goodness sake. Oh well, ho hum, apparently things should be heating up by the weekend?! We'll believe it when it happens. Our weather app is showing rain for the next week!!!

Ann's plan was to make a chicken curry for dinner tonight but she doesn't know if she can be bothered. She might have a glass of wine instead??!! She's just put my dinner out for me (with some proper chicken on top) but I'm fast asleep in my bed at the moment dictating my Blip telepathically so it will be a nice surprise for me when I wake up.

Happy Monday evening Blippers. xx

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