Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

More muscle?

BodyStreet torture session day, so as soon as JR came back from the gym, I set off, walking round (heel, toe...heel, toe), with a couple of sit downs. I had my monthly body scan, and I knew I’d put on weight, but it turns out the weight I’d put on (1.2kg) was in muscle mass, and Kate seemed pleased with that. But she was still pretty tough on me. But I felt energised enough when I finished to see that a bus was due, but I walked home instead.

JR went to the supermarket, and I took Archie out for a walk (heel, toe...) but I needed a wee treat as a target, as I was pretty tired, so I headed for Victor Hugo cafe. I really fancied a cinnamon bun. But the scones looked good too, so I got both (as a takeaway, the place was mobbed). (8,185 steps)

In the afternoon I popped up to see the doctor about my legs. She dismissed the solution I thought I had last week, but has referred me to the resident physiotherapist.

I’ve just been given the news that the flat upstairs is being sold. The students (one of whom is the son of the owner) are moving out. I’ll be sorry to see them go, as they’ve been pretty good. In all their years they’ve had ONE party, which they informed us about, and it ended bang on 11.30. That was in the days when young folk went off out for a night on the town. AND they brought us wine and flowers the next day to thank us for being so accommodating. We could get a family with an electric guitar playing teenager. Eeek!

On a happier note, I see that a new photographic challenge starts tonight on BBC4.

JR planted up the garden now that the scaffolding has been removed, so all this rain must be good for it. Archie looks unimpressed.

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