Faded Flowers

I must admit that when we settled into this routine of me leaving Dan and Abi on their own for a couple of nights a week, only one of us had any concerns about it.

But I needn't have worried; they've been absolutely fine. They cook for themselves and they rarely fail to satisfy my metric that the kitchen should look (pretty much) how I left it when I return home.

In fact, on balance, I think it has been pretty good for them to be a little bit self-sufficient, especially as Dan might be off to university in a few months' time.

Of course, whilst they keep on top of the kitchen, I don't really expect them to notice the other things that need doing around the house, such as changing the flowers!

N.B. 'Faded Flowers' is a song by Shriekback. I'd be very surprised if this is the first time I've used it for a Blip title!

Reading: 'Touching The Void' by Joe Simpson

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